The New Year 2016

Happy 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣6️⃣ 💫 a fresh start to do better, be better, try harder, & work towards our goals! …and a fresh dose of grace when we fall short. New Years Resolutions can be exciting & motivating! but also sometimes daunting. We start off in a sprint & we are READY TO WIN!!!! but….then you trip. You miss a day at the gym, you didn’t read your devotional, you eat what you said you weren’t going to eat, and the discouragement hits you fast and hard. This year does not have to be one of failures. Learn to accept your mistakes this year. Learn to embrace them and thank them and rejoice in them! In our weaknesses we are made strong. When you get up again and again, fall after fall – character is built. You learn to treat yourself with compassion, forgiveness, mercy, and grace. So this year as you endeavor to climb mountains, don’t forget to appreciate the bumps along the way because you wouldn’t get to the top without them.


My resolutions:

  • get a short story or poem published
  • inspire more people using my blog
  • start writing a book
  • get photos printed and organized
  • take 8,000 photos on my camera
  • hike at least half the peaks of a mountain range in my area
  • get a position in a club at school
  • get a writing and an art piece published in the art magazine at my college
  • improve my photography abilities and expand my knowledge on using my camera
  • volunteer more at elementary schools

In years past I have made resolutions but haven’t achieved or kept up with any of them. This year I did a few things to change that. I picked realistic and fun goals. My resolutions are ones I know I can complete but a conscious effort still needs to be made. I didn’t include fitness or mentality improvement as a resolution. I feel that by completing the goals I have already set that a better mentality and a higher fitness level will follow.

I am so excited for the New Year and for what is to come. So many things have happened this past year, good and bad. I’m sure this year will be an even better ride! To help you guys keep up with your resolutions I will be posting on Saturdays with posts that are based on a journal I bought. It is intended to keep you inspired and to remind you of what really matters. I hope you like them! I wish you the best of luck in 2016!




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Okay... so something about me. I love dogs(who doesn't?). Oh, cats too. I love hearing people's stories. I love being organized. I love letting loose. I love Summer. I love the rain and house-shaking thunderstorms. I like when things match. I love to exercise and aim for a happier and healthier lifestyle. I am an art fanatic(speaking of which, I should work on a new post about art). I love my family. I love my friends. I love my boyfriend. I love the feeling of being free. I love DIYs. I could list so many more things, I love but there's the gist. Now for some structured writing...I am currently a college student who has always wanted to find a way to give someone a spark or the initiative to do something they have always wanted to do. With this blog I want to show you different crafts, show you different movies or television shows or give you some insight on what is going on with me. By doing this I hope that something that I post will inspire you to try something new or something that you've always wanted to try.

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